Here is a list of the top 100 free bookmarking sites:
1. Pinterest
2. Reddit
3. Pocket
4. Mix
5. Flipboard
6. Diigo
7. StumbleUpon
8. Digg
9. Delicious
10. Evernote
12. Instapaper
13. Slashdot
14. Folkd
15. Pearltrees
16. Scoop
17. Refind
18. We Heart It
19. LinkaGoGo
21. Linktree
22. Surfingbird
23. Feedly
24. Quora
25. DZone
26. Getpocketbookmarks
27. Plurk
28. Tagpacker
29. Bitly
30. Yummly
31. Givealink
32. Pocketguruz
33. Historious
34. Bookmark4You
35. Fark
36. CiteULike
37. Fubar
38. Yourversion
39. Dropmark
40. Bookmarkbay
41. Symbaloo
42. Netvouz
43. Startaid
44. Sitejot
45. Slashdot
46. Metafilter
47. Minds
48. BizSugar
49. Techdirt
50. Tribe
51. Storify
52. Trendiee
53. Wirefan
54. Hyperlinkomatic
55. Buddymarks
56. Addictomatic
57. Ziczac
58. Surfmark
59. Pusha
60. Twicsy
61. Bookmax
62. Techspy
63. Folkbee
64. Qqpipi
65. Pikfind
66. Moovlink
67. Massbook
69. Tabstart
70. Huntplex
71. Pushnote
72. Tildee
73. Dropjack
74. Bookmark-manager
75. Blinklist
76. Scoopwhoop
77. Okendoken
78. Myhq
79. Veblr
80. Uploadsociety
81. Artofsaving
82. Backflip
83. Thewebblend
84. Yuuby
85. BookMarkee
86. Blackdtools
87. Glinkr
89. Addthismark
90. Indiabookmark
91. Dnhour
92. Myth